HTML Course Hindi - Beginner to Pro ( 2023 ) | Chapter 2


Basic HTML Tag Structure

As you can see I have created a button using HTML
<Button> Hello Bulla </Button>

There are two types of tags in html

Self Closing Tags → <p> Some Text </p>
Not Self Closing Tags → <img src=”url” alt=”image name” />
Empty Tags → <br>

Standard HTML Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> BEST HTML COURSE </title>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
<!DOCTYPE html> → This tag is added on top of any html file. This tag basically tells browser that type of file is html. it also specify that it is modern html file → HTML5
<html> → Basically we write all html code inside this <html> Html Code is written here </html> tags
<head> → SEO Related Tags are written in here. SEO Tags helps Search Engine to find your website on Web. for example <title> </title> is SEO Tags by which Search Engine and Users get Name of your Website.
<body> → Html Tags that we write inside body tags is visible on UI. In case of <head> </head> tags it not visible on ui. these tags generally read by browsers and search engines

Key Points in HTML Structure

  • Never Skip the End Tag
  • HTML tags are not case sensitive: <P>  means the same as <p> ( But use small case only


comments are that code that are ignored by compilers
we use comments in any programming language to instruct us in future or co-coders
to understand code better. we can also use use comments to hide code.