HTML Course Hindi - Beginner to Pro ( 2023 ) | Chapter 6


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using <a> tag you can navigate from one page to another
<a> has target attribute which decides how you want to open your page
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  • _self - Default. Open same tab
  • _blank - open in new tab
  • _parent open parent frame
  • _top - Opens in the full body of the tab


Unorder List

List order is not specified

Ordered List

This list are ordered
you can specify order type
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Table tag used to create table inside any website.
table helps us in maintaining large chunks of data
To create table first we add table tag
Inside table tags we had <thead> & <tbody> tag to group table data and table header names
To add row in table we use <tr>
<th> is used to asign table header name
<td> is used to feed table data