#5 Restaurant Website | HTML CSS 10 Practice Projects for Beginners | 2023 | Hindi

Restaurant website html css  | HTML CSS 10 Practice Projects for Beginners | 2022 , Learn Html Css By Practice | Best Html css practice project | Project for practice | Html CSS Projects | Restaurant Website
#PracticeProjects #HTML_CSS

10 Project Figma Design Link - https://www.figma.com/file/w9WPhB3gzblxIzRUeYr2Gx/10-HTML-%2B-CSS-PROJECT?node-id=0%3A1

Source Code For Restaurant Website  - https://github.com/anshuopinion/10-Practice-Project-Html-CSS/tree/Project-5-Restaurant-Website

Playlist For HTML CSS 10 Practice Projects - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPppPPmk0i3hZCNmbVtcP1hlwDKOdUFX9

Project that we are going to build in this complete practice course

Project 1 - Tribute Website - https://youtu.be/ErRRS-rHjWc
Project 2 - Job Application - https://youtu.be/R3GOIx3UqGE
Project 3 - Parallax website - https://youtu.be/LO7IGPveJhI
Project 4 - Landing Page - https://youtu.be/2gJ1Sfddgdk
Project 5 - Restaurant Website - https://youtu.be/PTt07ECyTeE
Project 6 - Music Website -https://youtu.be/qXp-QnS91c0
Project 7 - Youtube Clone - https://youtu.be/xbbUaMvRASo
Project 8 - Javascript Documentation -  https://youtu.be/UER08DzWbY0
Project 9 - Blog website - https://youtu.be/-w6McWVa2Jw
Project 10 - Portfolio Website  - https://youtu.be/ahX0cSDQjVg

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Html Css Practice Projects | Html CSS Project in Hindi |  | Practice Project 5 Restaurant Website

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Twiiter -https://twiiter.com/dosomecoding
Telegram Channel -  https://telegram.me/dosomecoding
Github - https://github.com/anshuopinion