Debug Javascript Code | Javascript Hindi Course For Beginners ( 2023 ) #13


What is Bug ?

A bug is a flaw or defect in a program's code that causes it to behave unexpectedly or produce incorrect results. Bugs can be caused by a variety of factors, such as coding mistakes, hardware failures, or external factors like changes to the system environment.

What is Error ?

An error, on the other hand, is a mistake made by a programmer that results in incorrect code. Errors can be caused by a variety of factors, such as incorrect assumptions, poor understanding of the programming language, or simple typing mistakes.
By Following ways we can debug our Javascript Code
  1. By using console.log()
// How to Use console logs for debugging // Identify the section of the code that is not working // as expected or causing errors. // Identify the variables or values that you want to debug. // Insert console.log() statements in your code at key points // where you want to track the behavior of your code. // Run your code and monitor the output of the console.log() // statements in the browser or console. function multiply(a, b) { console.log("Multiplying", a, "and", b); let result = a * b; console.log("Result is", result); return result; } let x = 5; let y = 3; let z = multiply(x, y); console.log("Final result is", z);
  1. By using debugger keyword ( Using Chrome Devtools )
// Use Chrome Devtools const priceValue = prompt("Enter the price of the item"); const FIXED_DELIVERY_FEE = 50; function calculateTotalPrice(price, fixedDeliveryFee) { return price + fixedDeliveryFee; } debugger; // this will open this code inside chrome devtools const total = calculateTotalPrice(priceValue, 10); alert("The total price is $" + total);
  1. By using vs code for debugging code
How to start debugger
Click on Run And Debug
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Select Debugger Type
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Port Should be same as your running application port → In my case 5500 for live server
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