HTML Course Hindi - Beginner to Pro ( 2023 ) | Chapter 1


What things I need to create website ?

HTML CSS Javascript is required to build any website ……
HTML - its like skeleton of human body
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CSS - its like skin of human body
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Javascript - Movement in human body or simply life in body
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What is HTML ?

  • HTML → Hyper Text Markup Language
  • it is used for creating websites
  • it describes the structure of a Web page
  • it tells the browser how to display the content

How to Create HTML file ?

As you all know computer understand any files using it’s extension name
for example if you want to create html file → example.html
.html is file extension of HTML Files

Where I can run HTML files ?

You can directly run html files in any web browsers, you just need to open your
html file in browsers link Chrome Brave Firefox

Which is best & popular code editor for html ?

Visual studio code (vscode) is best code editor for html. as it has inbuilt support for emmet
as emmet helps us to write html and css code faster.
How to Download VS Code on your machine ?
  1. Go to
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  1. Search visual studio code on Google → click on download link
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  1. Select your operating system
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  1. Download & Install you code editor….