#1 Setup Environment + Javascript Intro | Javascript Hindi Course For Beginners ( 2023 )


What is programming language 🚀 ?

A programming language is a way for programmers (developers) to communicate with computers.
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When we use remote we are give instruction to TV. This called programming in simple world.
Here each button has set of programs when we click on it runs. Typically every one is programmer. But code written on remote is done by coder, who used any programming language to write code on remote.
So programming is not a big deal → it can be learn easily, you just need to write code every day to get familiar with it.

What is Javascript 😍 ?

Javascript is programming language that is used for adding functionality in website , apps , desktop app etc. you can almost use javascript for anything.

Why you should learn javascript 🤔 ?

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See above picture. here you can see javascript hold position in top 3 popular language according to chart. So if you will learn javascript you will get job easily. In future, if you are trying to build your own startup then you will get javascript developers easily.
If you know javascript you can build any types of apps
  • Mobiles Apps
  • Front-end Web Development
  • Backend Development
  • Serverless computing
  • Desktop App
  • Game Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Chrome Extensions
Most Amazing thing about javascript is that you can learn it easily because it most easy to learn. Also you can use any machine to learn javascript.If you have low specs pc or laptop you can still use it. also you can use mobile too, but I don’t suggest you should do that.

History of Javascript 🧐

Javascript was invented by Brendan Eich → 1995
It was developed for Netscape 2
it became the ECMA-262 standard in 1997.

What is ECMA Script ?

JavaScript is a general-purpose scripting language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. The ECMAScript specification is a blueprint for creating a scripting language. JavaScript is an implementation of that blueprint. On the whole, JavaScript implements the ECMAScript specification as described in ECMA-262.
Version of ECMAScript
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Environment Setup for javascript 🏘️ 

Basically there is two ways to run javascript on your machine.
First Way:
You can directly run Javascript on your browser console
For his you need only web browser !
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Second Way:
You need node js ( Node js is just a runtime which allow you to run javascript code outside of browser )
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Download Node Js
Download according to your operating system + use LTS Version
After Installing Node , You need code editor to write code.
Just install Visual Studio Code ( Most Popular IDE for writing code )
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