HTML Course Hindi - Beginner to Pro ( 2023 ) | Chapter 5


<img src="img_girl.jpg" alt="Girl in a jacket" width="500" height="600">
To use images in html you need to use <img> tag
in src=”path/of/image” attribute you need to provide path of image
in case of image not loads. you need provide fallback text
alt=”image is broken”
you can also provide width and height on <img> tag


notion image
using audio tag you can add audio in your website.
to provide path of your audio file you need to use <source/> tag.
you can define audio format using type=”audio/mp3” attribute


Just like audio tag it works same . you just need to provide video file rather than audio file..
Video tag has width and height property to adjust video frame size.
notion image

I Frame

If you want to embed website or video in your website you can use
Iframe Tag
notion image