CSS Course Hindi - Beginner to Pro ( 2023 ) | Chapter 2



notion image
Background is used on any element to give it specific color or image.
for example
background-color:red; will used to give red background to any html tag.
we can also apply background image on html elements.
we just need to provide file path of background
useful background property →
  • background-color → provide background color
  • background-image → provide background image
  • background-size → size of background
  • background-repeat → control background will repeat or not
  • background-attachment → background will fixed or scroll with page scroll
  • background-position → it decides position of background on page
Multiple Background example
#example1 { background-image: url(image1.png), url(image2.png); background-position: right bottom, left top; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; }
notion image


Margins are used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders.
  • margin-top : 20px;
  • margin-right : 40px;
  • margin-bottom : 40px;
  • margin-left: 20px;
    • notion image
Short hand of margin
  • margin : top right bottom left;
  • margin: top ( right left ) bottom ;
  • margin: ( top bottom ) ( right left );
  • margin: all sides ;


Padding is used to create space around an element's content, inside of any defined borders.
  • padding-top
  • padding-right
  • padding-bottom
  • padding-left
notion image
Short hand of margin
  • padding : top right bottom left;
  • padding: top ( right left ) bottom ;
  • padding: ( top bottom ) ( right left );
  • padding: all sides ;


border are simple line which surround any elements
border-type: solid;
border-radius : 10px;
border radius responsible roundness of border
Short hand
border: width color type;
Border Types Examples
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outline is another line which is outside of margin .
Same Properties as Border
outline-offset is used to create spacing between border and oultine
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Problem 1

<body> <!-- Problem: 1.Download any image from google. 2.Add image as background of page 3.Image should cover complete width & height of page. 4.use external styling --> </body>
Output :
You can use any image.
notion image

Problem 2

<body> <!-- Problem: 1. Create a button, apply following properties 2. left/right padding -> 12px 3. Top & bottom padding -> 6px 4. background -> #FF00000 & Text -> white // colors --> <button>Subscribe</button> </body>
Output :
notion image

Problem 3

<body> <!-- use button from chapter 2 - Problem 2 1. Add #ad0000 border with dotted lines - thickness 2px 2. also apply outline to button outline thickness 2px ; 3. outline color -> #ff8c8c - 4px spacing between border and outline 4. 20px marging from all direction --> <button class="btn">Subscribe</button> </body>
Output :
notion image

Problem 4

<body> <!-- You need to create oultine version of button from problem 2 1.Now Create copy of button from problem 2 2.Add New button copy on right side of problem 3 button 3.Now Check output and try to re-create button your self 4.Note apply different classname to both button. --> <button class="solid-btn">Subscribe</button> <button class="outline-btn">Subscribe</button> </body>
Output :
notion image